
Written in PHP/HTML/MySQL
  There are plenty of sites for selling and trading things, but there aren't any specifically for easy cash encounters with people in your area and an emphasis on a simple interface and email communication. Craigslist may be like a massive classified section of a newspaper, but Slyhawk keeps things close, personable, and professional.
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Ah, Maze!
Written in Java with Swing
This is a fun little app that is more educational than anything else, unless you love to solve mazes. It has random maze creation, maze solving and pathfinding, and more, all while taking the time to show you exactly how it is doing it. Uses: A*, Drunkard's Walk, iterative Backtracking, and recursive Backtracking algorithms.  
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Written in Java with Swing
  I was a big fan of Animal Crossing: Wild World, but I found that it was rather frustrating to travel between towns. As a result, I created this chat program specifically to allow members to connect with each other. You can save your friend code, flag that your town gates are open, show what fruits you have, and the like. Uses Sockets to connect.
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Dynamic Image Sorter
Written in Java with Swing
For most of my time at college I worked a job that required me to categorize and describe thousands of artwork images, then save the data I had created a certain way and finally upload it to a server. I found myself repeating many steps, copy/pasting, and wasting a lot of time. So, I programmed this useful utility that quickly allows you to browse through hundreds of images and assign them all data as required. Frequently typed words and titles are automatically filled in as well.  
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OTC Automaton
Written in Java with Swing and JInput
  This handy little app records keystrokes and mouse movements you have entered and then reproduces them on certain conditions. Currently mouse reproduction and conditions aren't implemented, but key recording functions perfectly. Can be useful for mundane tasks or for staying online in MMORPGs.
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Baby Mario Learns to Jump
Written in Java with Swing
A small experiment in AI Q-Learning. Baby Mario starts on a block, and he needs to practice and learn exactly how high and far he should jump in order to get to the other block. Uses an adaptive learning AI to teach Baby Mario - run it 1,000,000 times and see how much he has learned.  
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MaNGOS Restarter
Written in Java with Swing
  MaNGOS, a WoW emulator, is plenty unstable. Oftentimes it will break but not realize that it has. For that purpose I created a simple MaNGOS Restarter that will restart MaNGOS on the hour if there are no users connected, and have been no users connected for 30 minutes.
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OTC Screen Snare
Written in Java with Swing
This is a screen capture program written in Java. I began to add video capture support, but eventually lost interest.  
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WoW Server Launcher
Written in Java with Swing
  Having played on plenty of private World of Warcraft servers, I found myself juggling numerous amounts of realmlist files and not really knowing which was which. As a result, I created a program that automatically keeps track of all servers you are connected to, as well as information about them like the supported game version, the experience and drop rates, and more. Then you simply select a server and click the launch button. This also bypasses automatic patching via Blizzard's WoW Launcher.
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Finite Autonoma Creator
Written in Java with Swing
If you're interested in computational theory, this program can be very useful for visualizing and creating finite state machines. The interface is very simple and self explanatory, and you can easily drag states and links around to serve your purposes.  
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Written in Java with Swing
  Ever wanted to create simple cut scenes in your Java games without having to import any large files or random formats? I did, so I created Animatronic, which can be described as a simplified version of Adobe Macromedia Flash. Draw out your scene, add motion and shape tweens, then save your animation to an incredibly tiny file. Finally, import the Animatronic JAR file into your project and play back your creation whenever you want. Great for tiny Java games.
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OTC Platform Plant
Written in Java with Swing
My little brother was using a second-rate application to make side scroller games, so I decided to make my own. I ended up losing interest after a short period of time, but I did create a portion of the program that automatically parses and splits up sprite sheets, which can be very useful.  
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Walk Tutorial
Written in Flash
  This is a simple tutorial on one method of creating dynamic levels in Adobe Macromedia Flash. It includes all source and teaches collision, dynamic shape moving, key presses, and more. By the end, of the tutorial, you will be able to create a Mario clone within Flash.
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