Animal Crossing Connector
Status: Version Beta
Run via Webstart (b16)

I was a big fan of Animal Crossing: Wild World, but I found that it was rather frustrating to travel between towns. As a result, I created this chat program specifically to allow members to connect with each other. You can save your friend code, flag that your town gates are open, show what fruits you have, and the like. Uses Sockets to connect.

When in the program, go to the commands menu and select Help. It will tell you the various commands you can use. To start chatting, go to the Connection menu and select "Connect to a Server," which will find the first online server in the list and connect you to it (for this beta version, localhost is the first server. You can host it and then connect to yourself to test things out). Finally, go to the preferences menu and select to edit your information in order to input details for your town.

In the near future, I will probably update this to work over MySQL, which will allow it to be run directly from my web site. In addition, I'm planning on adapting this to reflect every game that is on Nintendo WiFi, making it nice and easy to exchange codes.