An old game with a new(ish) twist. Up to 4 players can join in a game of Tetris at once,
and the more rows you complete, the more junk you can drop on an opponent. Has a few
bugs that will never be fixed, and because it runs through Java2D there is slowdown with
more players. However, it's quite playable.
- Regular Tetris with fun music and sound effects, as well as pretty Java2D drawings.
- Incredibly small download size (but what do you expect?).
- Up to four players can battle to see who is the best.
- If you finish a row you can send it tumbling onto your opponent.
- Infinite levels of exponentially higher difficulty.
- Move Left : Left Arrow Key
- Move Right : Right Arrow Key
- Drop Block : Down Arrow Key
- Rotate Block: Up Arrow Key
- Attack P2 : F11
- Attack P3 : F12
- Attack P4 : F13
- Move Left : 'A' Button
- Move Right : 'D' Button
- Drop Block : 'S' Button
- Rotate Block: 'W' Button
- Attack P1 : F1
- Attack P3 : F2
- Attack P4 : F3
- Move Left : '4' On NumPad
- Move Right : '6' On NumPad
- Drop Block : '5' On NumPad
- Rotate Block: '8' On NumPad
- Attack P1 : clear On NumPad
- Attack P2 : Equals On NumPad
- Attack P4 : Slash On NumPad
- Move Left : 'H' Button
- Move Right : 'K' Button
- Drop Block : 'J' Button
- Rotate Block: 'U' Button
- Attack P1 : F6
- Attack P2 : F7
- Attack P3 : F8